AWS HoneyCode positions itself in NoCode category & what it means for enterprise NoCode market

Jinen Dedhia
3 min readJun 26, 2020


I woke up yesterday morning to the news that AWS has launched its NoCode tool. It was written about a year ago that AWS was building it in stealth mode and we knew it was coming. Why does it even matter for another NoCode tool like us to write about it? So let me double click on why I think this is one of the most important event for the category of NoCode tools.

To get to my perspective of the NoCode category — I will take a step back and place the category in larger enterprise business applications space.

Rough market share estimate basis sources like Gartner and others

As you could see Low/No Code (LCNC) has a small pie of the share of the large enterprise business application category — however it is a promising segment and growing way faster than every other category. If we zoom in LCNC in particular — we find that they are two totally different things. Below is an attempt to simplify the core difference between the two.

Coming back to the question — why does honeyCode entry to NoCode segment matters? Low Code and No Code they have stark differences between their GTM strategy. Low Code chases large enterprise or mid market and No Code chases departmental use cases or SME businesses. So if you see players like Microsoft PowerApps or salesforce lightning — which highly qualifies as NoCode tool but yet will place itself in the low code segment. So the tooling definition is more market driven then actually capability driven. While low Code market counts several big tech players, No Code didnt count any big tech player in the segment. (I would excuse myself to add google acquired appsheet as a big tech in No Code due to reasons which can be penned down some other day) until AWS launched HoneyCode yesterday. Historically AWS woes developer market and enterprise is where their play is. So in my opinion this will be the 1st large No Code player to take the No Code story to the large enterprises at a huge scale. This in itself is a very exciting thing to happen for enterprise focussed No Code players like DronaHQ. We are long on the idea of making business apps with zero code and we have been doing it successfully with large customers. AWS adds a stronger voice to tell the C-levels in large enterprise that No Code makes a lot of sense to their business to make apps 10x faster than Low Code and in true sense solves the problem of backlog due to lack of developers.

While we are at it — here is a quick difference between enterprise grade NoCode platform and Non enterprise grade platforms

Let me also attempt to do a quick comparison of DronaHQ and HoneyCode.

Either ways — this space has just begun to get super exciting as big tech tries to see this as a blue ocean. I would be glad to see your questions or comments on this.

