12 Years on! Beta launching DronaHQ Low code app development platform

Jinen Dedhia
3 min readFeb 1, 2019


Back in 2007 when we started, we believed that mobile is an exciting end user computing opportunity given the ability to look at data at any point in time as device & internet were both 24x7 available.

As the device computing capability & networks improved in the last decade — there emerged a huge need of digitizing various aspects of business. 3 major digital initiatives buckets being —

a. to unlock new customer value (new revenue focussed (think uber, airbnb)

b. to deliver better customer experience (think banking apps)

c. to operate at hyper efficiency (think field force apps, employee self serve apps, business partner apps, etc)

Fast forward to 2019, I believe we live in extremely exciting times. Data has unlocked its true potential. It has been now perceived as the new “oil”. With this perceptions comes a real & huge demand of apps for everything. In my sales review meets, I see real demand for trivial apps like conference room bookings, meeting notes, coffee & pantry services to business enabling apps like price calculators, ordering, service booking, etc coming up in huge numbers from even the laggards in the market.

As a startup offering platform to deliver business apps, we are at the forefront to see this demand shaping up. On this very day we started our journey believing in apps and the fact that today we are leaping forward to give tools to our customers to build apps in days & weeks is extremely satisfying. Exciting news is — We launch beta version of our low code/ no code platform built on top of a rock solid DronaHQ Ecosystem which serves 1mn enterprise users, 150+ customers, 2K+ apps delivered.

Why NoCode/Low code?

There is an increasing need of apps & every business leader is asking for apps to be delivered in quick time.

Increasingly every piece of application layer software written today is an assembled code. Think of it like developers find blocks of code written on stackoverflow or github or some place and stitch it together as their step 1.

As step 2 — they fine tune the code to meet their business objective. This fine tuning can be time consuming depending on the complexity of the underlying app.

As step 3 — they deploy the code on some cloud native service and get started.

While this seems fast — the whole process of writing code cant be cut down beyond a point. This is an opportunity for nocode/low code tools to kill the inefficiency and deliver even higher business value.

What DronaHQ low code/ no code can do?

DronaHQ Low code tool has three core pillars: Data, Frontend & Business logic in addition to the management console, CI/CD, code blocks for higher level of customisation.

Data model: it comes with a DB as a service. It has a simple intuitive spreadsheet like interface to set up master tables.

Frontend: It has powerful visual designer to drag & drop blocks to build visual interfaces. DronaHQ helps build multi form factor frontends supporting mobile, desktop & web.

Business Logic: Workflow engine, API integrations & frontend rule engine all combine to deliver the needed business logic.

While there exists many no code options in the market, there is none which brings all pieces together. Combination of three essential pillars brings an ability to design highly complex applications.

While we are currently in closed beta mode with very early customers, we would soon open the doors for everyone on our beta version. We are excited to hear your feedback.


For the curious souls, here is a signup for early access to DronaHQ Low code platform . Please reach out to me if you would like to know anything specific on Low code/ No Code capability. Tweet to me at Jinen

